Personal Account BEMOL
30 august, 2019
30 august, 2019
The service is available for both individuals and legal entities, with a slightly more expanded list of features.
With “My Account” you can:
For legal entities, a reporting function is also available, such as a reconciliation report, a fuel consumption report and a payment report.
To start using this function, go to and go through a simple and quick registration.
Also, in case of any questions, you can always contact us for help. To do this, just select the “Ask a Question” section and we will promptly provide you with answers to all your questions.
Bemol’s “personal account” is a simple and convenient way to control fuel costs.
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We will be happy to help you with any question.
To do this, contact us using the Hot Line (14009), which is available 24/7.
Your feedback and comments help us to improve the quality of the services provided, improve and develop.